Wat is Cross-Functional Customizing in Materials Management
This course will give you a comprehensive overview and in depth knowledge of Materials Management Configuration in SAP. After attending this class you will understand the major business processes, functions and detailed configuration in Materials Management. This course should be taken after the SCM500 curriculum prerequisite. Course based on software release: SAP ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package 7
Make selected configurations for the implementation of the Materials Management component of the SAP system
Solution Manager and Customizing Projects
Defining Customizing Projects
General Settings
Checking Countries and Currencies
Defining Units of Measurements
Setting Up a Factory Calendar
Organizational Units
Defining Organizational Units in Materials Management
Defining and Assigning Plants
Master Data
Setting Up Material Master Records
Creating Material Types
Setting Up Field Selection for Material Master Records
Defining Field References for Material Master Records
Configuring the Material Master
Defining Settings for Vendor Master Records
Valuation and Account Assignment
Describing Automatic Account Determination
Determining the Relevance of Company Codes and Valuation Areas
Creating Valuation Classes and Account Category References
Setting Up Account Determination for Specific Transactions
Subdividing a Transaction with the Account Grouping Code
Adjusting Account Determination for Special Cases
Adjusting Settings for Split Valuation
Creating Document Types in Purchasing
Using Document Types in Purchasing
Creating Account Assignment Categories
Adjusting the Screen Layout of Purchasing Documents
Defining Text Types and Text Adoption
Specifying Texts for Output Processing
Controlling the Output of Messages in Purchasing
Using Condition Technique for Message Determination
Inventory Management
Adjusting Settings for Material and Accounting Documents
Adjusting Settings for Goods Movements
Adjusting the Output of Messages in Inventory Management