Wat is SAP Commerce Cloud Business User Certification Preparation
In this course, participants will be guided to better understand all possible topics that are not basically treated during the standard C4H320 course and are required to successfully pass the certification exam.
Disclaimer: This course is NOT a requirement for successfully passing the SAP Commerce Cloud Business User certification. Its goal is to increase the participants’ chances of success through a guided review of publicly available content and knowledge that can be gained through project experience. Course based on software release: SAP Commerce Cloud 2005, SAPMachine 11.
This course will prepare you to:
- Understand the kind of topics around the certification that are not strictly related to SAP Commerce.
- Where to find document and resources to prepare for certification exam and how to use it
- How to read and understand the meaning of a certification question
- Apply software engineering concepts in a real-life project
- Understanding the different phases of a software product process
- Connect Business requirement with functional and non-functional requirements
- Prioritizing customer/software needs and fit on schedule and budget
General Introduction
General Information
Important Exam Process & Security Guidelines
Percentage Incidence of Each Area on Certification Exam
General Rules about Questions
All Topics Walkthrough
Product Content Management
Commerce Management
Web Content Management
Order Management & Customer Support
Essential Foundation