Wat is SAP Workflow with SAP Fiori
You want to learn about the workflow functionality in S/4HANA, S/4HANA Cloud and SAP Cloud Platform? This course provides a business overview of processes, which are working "right out-of-the box". It explains possible extensions and comes with several exercises to deepen the theoretical lessons. Course based on software release: SAP S/4HANA 1809
This course will prepare you to:
- Get an overview about the workflow functions and functionality in SAP S/4HANA, S/4HANA Cloud and SAP Cloud Platform
- Explain the possible extensions of workflows in these technologies
Explain workflow @SAP and in SAP S/4HANA
Use SAP Fiori
My Inbox App, Setup and Configuration
Explain the installation and set up of the My Inbox app
Access the My Inbox app
Add a BWF system as a task provider
Add a SAP BPM system as a task provider
Use roles for SAP Fiori
Define the gateway scenario and catalogs
Use the task gateway service
Perform further settings
Implement BADIs
Create dynamic columns for SWF_USER_ATTR
Create push notifications for the SAP Fiori Launchpad
Flexible Workflow
Explain Flexible Workflow
Use a Workflow Scenario
Explain SAP S/4HANA Cloud workflow
Responsibility Management
SAP Cloud Platform Workflow Service
Use SAP Cloud Platform Workflow for workflow application development
Strategy Recommendations and Migration Options
Discuss strategy recommendations for enterprise workflow with SAP
Discuss migration options for existing workflows